Travertine (advantages and disadvantages)
Review of travertine stone
Travertine is a chemical sedimentary stone that often forms in low-lying areas such as around drains, springs, along streams and rivers, along faults, and sometimes in lakes. This type of stone consists of layers of calcium carbonate and has internal pores.
Travertine is softer than marbles in terms of hardness, but nevertheless it is very resistant to weather changes and rain and snow. The weight of each square meter of travertine stone is 2500 kg/m3 and it has a very good variety in terms of color.
Travertine coloring
Travertine stones are most often found in light colors such as white, cream, and gray, but they may also be found in brown, yellow, red, bluish, gray, and black colors due to the presence of iron, magnesium, and carbon oxide.
It is interesting to know that the less water-soluble elements in their structure, the brighter the color of the stone.
Types of travertine
Travertines are known by different names in terms of color, which include :
- Silver travertine
- Cream travertine (light)
- Beige travertine
- Red travertine
- Yellow or lemon travertine
- Brown or chocolate travertine
Travertine quarries
There are various quarries throughout our country (Iran), in each of which you can find a specific type of this stone, for example, refer to the following :
- Abbas Abad travertine
- Tejre chocolate travertine
- Takab silver travertine
- Azarshahr silver travertine
- Dare Bukhari travertine
- Atashkoh travertine
- Hajiabad Travertine
- Petro Travertine (Beige)
Available travertine stones with their color classification
Stone name : Available colors
- Dehshir travertine : beige cream / chocolate cream / chocolate / honey cream
- Abarkoh travertine : light cream / beige cream
- Ramsheh travertine : light cream / white / honey cream
- Parham travertine : light cream
- Isatis travertine: cream beige / chocolate cream / chocolate / honey cream
- Kashan travertine : cream / Nescafe cream / chocolate cream / chocolate / honey cream
- Torugh travertine: cream / beige cream / chocolate cream / chocolate / honey cream
- Takab travertine: light cream / beige cream / honey cream / grey
- Lushan travertine : light cream / beige cream / honey cream
- Spa travertine : light cream / beige cream / honey cream
- Abbas Abad travertine : white / light cream
- Haji Abad travertine : light cream / beige cream
- Dare Bukhari travertine : white / light cream / beige cream
- Abianeh white travertine : / light cream
- seh travertine : cream / beige cream
- Kamshcheh travertine : white / light cream
- Tabas travertine : white
- Aras travertine : white / light cream
- Azarshahr travertine : red
- Varton travertine : Cream
- Ateshkoh travertine : white / light cream
- Esk travertine : cream beige / chocolate cream / yellow
- Bemani nejad travertine : honey cream
- Torugh travertine : honey cream
- Azarshahr red travertine : red
- Walnut travertine : Walnut
- Tarshab travertine : cream
- Azarshahr lemon travertine : lemon
- Khalkhal travertine : Cream
- Silver travertine, Azarshahr : Gray
- Golestan travertine : Cream
- Darpush travertine : Cream
- Zanjan travertine : Cream
- Bemani Nejad travertine : Honey
- Tree trunk travertine : Gray
- Hamadan travertine : Cream / Honey cream
Advantages of travertine
Since travertine stone is porous, it has many advantages, which we will discuss below.
One of the most important positive points of this stone is its light weight, which during installation (due to its porosity), the entry of sand and cement into the holes of the stone makes it stick better and reduces the possibility of the stone falling.
It is also a fire-resistant stone and a good insulator for heat, so that the surface of the stone is always cool. For this reason, it is very useful in tropical areas.
This stone does not have a polished surface due to the many holes and can be suitable for use on the floor of the building.
Covering the surface of the travertine stone with resin (during processing) creates a relatively high resistance and also makes the stone last in the air and prevents it from breaking.
Easy cutting of this stone compared to granite and marble makes it easy.
The polishing ability of stone is one of the things that multiplies the beauty and attractiveness of stone, in addition to its resistance to sunlight, it shows that it can be a suitable stone for the facade of a building.
Disadvantages of travertine
But if the processing of this stone is not done well and its cavities are not filled with high-quality materials, water absorption increases and the probability of the stone breaking at the freezing point increases.
Travertine‘s resistance to acid rain is very low.
In general, the hardness of travertine stone is between 3 and 4 (out of 10).